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Print Ready, Amanda Sherman, Amanda Haisman, Busy Lady Ltd, Hawera, Printer, Graphic Design, Hawera logo design, books, magazines,


My name is Amanda Sherman and Print Ready

is the graphic design business I started in 2010.


I would describe my design style as simple, clean and clear. I can do flowery things but in my experience, people just want the information they need, not a pile of fluffy clutter. I do everything from logo design to magazines and books, as well as advertising.


I'm not a trained web designer but have been learning how using Wix. I created my own simple site and have been building up a larger project for the Association of New Zealand Embroiderers' Guilds Inc... if you're interested, check out:


I'm also a print broker - from small to large. You're welcome to use my contacts to save some money. A good example - printing a book in Hong Kong costs around half what it costs to print in New Zealand... depending on size and how many you order of course. I've just registered with New Zealand Customs so I can arrange for your book to be delivered from Hong Kong to your door... these days the world's your oyster! If you already have a printer you like, I can give you a print ready PDF.


I work from my office at home where clients are welcome to call in by appointment - or I'm mobile and can come to you...

Phone 06 272 6481 • Mobile 021 521 841 • Email • Hawera, South Taranaki, New Zealand

© 2014 by Print Ready.

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